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Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) 101

Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) 101
Elena Mitsiou
•  04.10.2024

Key Takeaways

🌍 QUIS (Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction) is a versatile tool used to deeply assess user satisfaction across various digital interfaces, including ease of use and visual appeal.

💡 Developed by researchers at the University of Maryland, QUIS offers both quantitative and qualitative insights, making it more effective than surface-level feedback tools.

🧩 Customization allows teams to tailor questions to specific needs, ensuring the collected data is highly relevant and actionable for improving user experience.

🔍 QUIS is often used in combination with other UX research methods. For example, QUIS is often administered at the end of usability testing sessions.

💼 Challenges include potential survey fatigue and the need for experienced UX researchers to accurately interpret the results for meaningful product improvements.

Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS)—a powerful tool that digs deeper than standard surveys to give you actionable insights into how users really feel about interacting with your product.

Whether you’re pre-launching or refining an existing interface, QUIS helps ensure your product meets user needs and exceeds expectations.

In this article, we have collated everything you need to know about QUIS, from its key benefits to practical applications.

What is the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction?

The questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction is a comprehensive tool used for evaluating and measuring the way that the users feel about their interaction with an interface. This tool goes beyond close-ended questions that can only be answered with a yes or a no.

On the contrary, it deploys Likert scales as well as open-ended questions, assessing in-depth areas of the user experience such as the ease of use, the learning curve of the system, how visually appealing the system is as well as its responsiveness.

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction QUIS is a tool that truly stands out. Unlike other commonly used user feedback surveys that consist of surface-level questions, this tool allows for deeper qualitative insights into the user experience.

It is often used in combination with other UX research methods. For example, QUIS is often administered at the end of usability testing sessions.

This is an example of what a QUIS survey can look like:

questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction QUIS

Origins of the QUIS tool

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction QUIS tool was initially developed by a group of researchers at the University of Maryland around the late 1980s.

At first, it was created with the sole purpose of evaluating the levels of satisfaction for users who interacted with very complex technical, non-commercial systems. With the expansion of the use of interfaces to consumer products and with the booming of software for commercial use, the QUIS tool was further adapted to evaluate commercial user interactions.

Over the years, the tool was widely adopted by UX researchers. It became a staple for the UX research community due to its ability to provide actionable feedback on user satisfaction.

questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction QUIS

When should QUIS be used?

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction QUIS is a highly versatile tool that can be used across industries and different systems. Here are some key scenarios where QUIS can be particularly beneficial for your product:

Pre-launch testing

QUIS is a great tool to be used during the pre-launch phase of your product lifecycle. You can use this tool before you launch your product to the market to gather user insights and gauge initial impressions around user interaction.

This way, you will be able to conduct further research and pinpoint issues and address them early before your product reaches a wider audience. You can also use this tool to gauge initial reactions before the launch of a major change, redesign, or new feature.

Ongoing product evaluation

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction QUIS can be particularly handy if you want to keep on top of your product evaluation.

By implementing QUIS you can easily track any changes in user satisfaction over time as well as measure the impact that updates or changes have had on the user experience. Hence, QUIS can be a great tool for ongoing product evaluation and optimization.

Agile product development

QUIS is an invaluable tool for teams operating with agile methodologies that require frequent user feedback.

Adopting this tool and integrating it into your workflows can help your team quickly understand whether the new changes meet user expectations, ensuring that your product always aligns with the ever-changing customer needs.

Benefits of the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction can have a host of advantages for your digital product. Here are some of the key benefits:

Flexibility in application

One of the most critical benefits of the QUIS questionnaire is that it is super flexible. Although originally designed specifically to evaluate complex software systems, this tool can be easily adapted to fit the needs of an array of different software from websites to native applications and everything in between.

The items on the questionnaire can be modified to fit specific interfaces making it an ideal tool for every digital product no matter the industry.

Easy customization

Another advantage of this tool that makes it unique is its easy customization. For instance, if a business wants to focus more on questions around usability than visual appearance, it might choose to prioritize questions around the ease of navigation.

This customization ensures that the questions are highly relevant making the data and insights that are being collected highly actionable!

Proven accuracy and reliability

The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction tool is renowned for its accuracy and reliability. This tool has been rigorously tested in different settings and has been proven to be a highly reliable tool for measuring user satisfaction. What’s more, its standardized format allows for consistency when it comes to data interpretation.

Encourages user-centric development

Last but not least, QUIS is all about user-centric product development. This tool can help product teams and researchers place the user at the center of product development as it continuously gathers direct user feedback. This way, product teams can ensure that the product aligns with the ever-changing user needs and expectations, fostering better user satisfaction and engagement.

questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction QUIS


How to implement QUIS during usability tests

Here is a step-by-step guide to make the most of your QUIS tool during usability testing:

1. Define objectives

As with every project, the first step in implementing QUIS is defining the objectives of your testing. Having a clear goal will ensure that your testing is focused on the aspects that you are interested in improving.

Defining the objectives will also help you further customize the QUIS to focus on the most relevant areas of user satisfaction.

The most common goals when conducting a QUIS questionnaire is assessing the users’ satisfaction with your product’s interface, identify usability concerns and measure specific aspects like like learnability, error messages, response time, consistency, and user control.

2. Recruit participants

Recruiting the right participants for your testing can make or break your planning! Make sure that the testers fall under your target audience to ensure relevant and actionable insights.


💡UXtweak Tip

Looking to recruit survey participants? Let us do it for you! Recruit as many targeted participants as you need from UXtweak🐝 User Panel. https://youtu.be/1_elONWvcZk Our panel experts will help to ensure the reliability of collected feedback by providing a study audit and checking the quality of your respondents. ➡️ Learn more about recruiting from User Panel.  


3. Choose a tool for conducting your questionnaire

Next up you need to select a survey tool that can support the implementation of QUIS. Choosing the right tool is quintessential for the success of your testing so make sure to choose a robust tool with an abundance of different capabilities that integrates well with the QUIS.

Make sure that your survey tool of choice has easy set up and provides Likert Scales as one of the answer options. UXtweak’s Survey tool is perfect for setting up and running your QUIS questionnaires. Learn more about the tool or try it yourself with our free plan! ⬇️

Conduct Surveys with UXtweak!

Use our Survey Tool to run all kinds of survey and improve your product based on actual user data.

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If you’re planning to run QUIS as a part of bigger research like usability testing, for example, make sure that the tool you choose offers all the features you need in one place. UXtweak offers an all-in-one UX research toolkit, making it easy to combine different types of tests.

4. Include the QUIS in the study set-up

Once you have finalized the objectives of your testing and your participants are in place, it is time to add your QUIS to the study setup. The QUIS is administered right at the end of the usability testing so that the experience is still fresh in the minds of the users.

Make sure that the QUIS questionnaire is easy to navigate and provide clear instructions to the users about how to fill it in.

5. Run the usability test and collect responses

Run the usability sessions and administer the questionnaire at the end! Allow plenty of time for participants to complete the assigned tasks and then prompt them to fill out the QUIS.


💡Pro Tip

The QUIS answers will offer insights into areas that might not have been obvious from observing the user completing the tasks! 


6. Analyze QUIS results

After gathering the QUIS responses, next up is analyzing the results. Depending on the way you have customized the questionnaire you might need to perform both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis.

Identify patterns and take into consideration both your qualitative and quantitative data before drawing any conclusions. Prioritizing the issues that you identify based on their severity or impact.

questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction QUIS


Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction drawbacks

Although the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction tool can be highly beneficial for your business, there are some drawbacks to keep in mind when implementing it:

Time-consuming for respondents

While QUIS can help researchers collect juicy user insights, it can also be time-consuming for the responders. The high number of questions combined with the depth of some of the questions can lead to survey fatigue. In turn, this can result in high dropout rates or incorrect data.

Can potentially overwhelm users

Another major disadvantage of this tool is that due to its high level of detail, it can potentially overwhelm users. Researchers should be cautious of the complexity of the rating scales and should streamline the questionnaire where possible so that it focuses only on those critical areas that they want to investigate.

Requires experience in UX research for proper interpretation

QUIS is a powerful tool given that the data collected are interpreted properly. It is worth noting that without relevant experience and proper training, the product team might be prone to misinterpreting the data leading to poor decisions about product updates.

This is why QUIS is most effective when used by seasoned user researchers who have a good understanding of UX design principles and practices.

Dependence on users’ memory and perception

Another major disadvantage of this tool is that it relies on the user’s subjective opinions of their experience and not their actual experience. Often memory and subjective perceptions can lead to biased replies and this should be taken into consideration when analyzing results!

Want to collect QUIS responses seamlessly? UXtweak can help!

QUIS is an invaluable tool that every product team should have in their arsenal. Its reliable nature and in-depth questions allow for a thorough understanding of user satisfaction. If you are looking to hit the ground running with launching your first QUIS and collecting your responses seamlessly, look no further.

UXtweak’s survey tool allows for customization making the creation and setup of your QUIS feel like a breeze. All you need to do is sign up for free and start building your QUIS questionnaire!

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