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Complete Guide to International User Research

Complete Guide to International User Research
Elena Mitsiou
•  23.09.2024

Key takeaways

🌍 International user research studies users across countries to understand cultural, economic, and technological influences on their behavior.

💡 By challenging assumptions and aligning products with local expectations, it helps avoid costly mistakes.

🧩 Understanding cultural nuances ensures products meet diverse user needs, avoiding alienation.

🔍 Testing globally uncovers unique usability challenges before broader launches.

💼 Regional laws, economic conditions, and technological access can be tailored with findings from international user research.

User research is crucial to a product’s success, especially as the global digital market expands.

International research helps UX teams understand the diverse needs and expectations of users across different countries, ensuring products remain relevant worldwide.

This guide covers everything you need to start conducting international user research and adapt to various market behaviors.

What is international user research?

International user research is a framework for conducting research with users from various countries to better understand the unique behaviors and challenges of each market.

While user research usually targets just one location, international research examines how culture, economy, and technology shape user behavior. This approach helps businesses make informed product decisions globally.

On top of that, conducting user research without taking into consideration the differences that users in different markets might present might leads to poor results when it comes to user adoption and retention.

Why conduct international user research?

supr-q survey tool

There are various reasons why conducting international user research can prove to be advantageous for your product strategy. Here are some of the key benefits to keep in mind:

Preventing misunderstandings with users

Making assumptions about your users is one of the most common pitfalls and one of the top reasons why businesses fail. Especially when penetrating new markets, basing product decisions on assumptions and not user feedback can prove to be disastrous.

The best way to prevent any misunderstandings with the users is assumption mapping.

Assumption mapping can help businesses massively challenge these assumptions and avoid making costly mistakes and products that do not align with the distinct needs and expectations of the user.

On the contrary, companies that base product decisions on international user research are better positioned to understand each market’s unique needs and behaviors, hence aligning their offerings with local expectations.

💡 Pro Tip

Learn more about assumption mapping here:


Adapting to different behavioral patterns

Due to extrinsic factors (economic, environmental, cultural), user behavior varies by region. Different cultures may interpret the same color differently; for example, white symbolizes innocence in some, but death in others.

International user research helps product teams identify these nuances and behavioral patterns to meet user expectations across regions. Without this understanding, you risk alienating potential users and limiting your product’s success in new markets.

This scenario perfectly illustrates what happens when businesses attempt to expand internationally without a deep understanding of their target markets and customers.

Imagine throwing darts in a pitch-black room, aiming for a target you can’t see. Each throw costs £50,000.

Sounds risky, doesn’t it? 

Chui Chui Tan

International growth adviser, culturalization strategy expert.

Want to hear more from Chui Chui Tan? Check out our Women in UX interview with Chui Chui for deeper insights into international research.

Understanding regional competitors

Another key benefit of conducting international user research is the deep understanding of the local market and the regional competitors.

International user research helps you grasp an understanding of how your regional competitors meet the needs of their users.

Having this knowledge can help you make informed decisions about the version of your product in that particular and manage to differentiate by filling gaps in the market.

Preventing unforeseen usability issues

User behavior is heavily impacted by environmental and cultural factors. Hence, users in different regions or countries might encounter distinct challenges when it comes to their interaction with a system or a product.

This is where international user research comes into play.

International user research can help businesses identify early unforeseen usability issues, especially with those design elements that do not translate culturally.

By testing your product with users from a diverse geographic background, you can catch and address those issues early on before launching to a wider audience.

💡 Pro Tip

Here is a quick recap of the best usability testing practices 🍯


Specifics of international user research

Now that we have pinpointed the key benefits of international user research, let’s get down to its specifics. Here are some of the key nuances of international user research:

Cultural nuances

International user research can help you uncover the cultural nuances of each region.

Some design elements, colors, or even words might bear a different meaning or connotation, and while they might work wonders for one region they might be completely offensive in another.

The example of the meaning of white in different cultures comes in handy here – in some cultures, white symbolizes innocence while in others, death.

Translation issues

Localizing your message to resonate with the distinct needs of each market is the alpha omega of a successful translation.

Word-for-word translations are out of date and users expect a spotless translation from a trustworthy product or service.

International user research can help you capture those nuances and rectify them before your product reaches your wider audience in this particular market.

Technological differences

supr-q survey tool

Users in different countries have different levels of access to technology and different levels of experience with digital products or services.

Some of the Western markets have access to the latest software while other markets might be lagging behind.

International user research can capture those technological limitations, giving the product team the unique opportunity to consider those when designing products for global audiences.

Laws and regulations around privacy and data protection tend to vary significantly across different countries.

For instance, in Europe, GDPR regulations are the holy bible for product teams and they should really be taken into consideration when building products.

International user research is also here to save the game, as it can be used to test if the product complies with the local rules – avoiding reputational damage and fines in the long run.

Economic and political factors

Last but not least, economic and political factors can play a crucial role in the behavior of the users in a specific region.

For instance, in wealthier Western countries, users might opt for more premium features compared to less privileged economies.

Conducting international user research can help you spot those nuances and tailor your product to meet the priorities of the users in each market.

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Tips for successful international user research

Here are some of our top tips for conducting international user research studies without a hitch:

Collaborate with local researchers

Collaborating with local researchers or moderators who are native speakers of the regional language can help you massively uncover those cultural nuances.

Local experts have a better understanding of the culture in question and they can ensure that research is conducted in a culturally sensitive way!

💡 Pro Tip

If you are conducting moderated research, make sure your moderators understand local dialect and cultural expressions of the research region.


Poor translations or misunderstandings can skew data and lead to inaccurate conclusions.

Always pilot-test your studies

Make sure to pilot-test your user research study before committing to a full-scale international research project. This will allow you to pinpoint any issues in advance and save you time and resources in the long run.

Be flexible with research methods

When conducting international user research, it is really important to be flexible with your approach regarding your research methods and participant recruitment.

In some countries, for instance, in-person studies might work better than studies in remote settings.

Tailoring your research methodology is essential for a successful full-scale international user research study as the more comfortable your participants feel, the juicier insights you will get.

However, you need to understand the limitations of the UX research method you’ve selected. For example, using user interviews will bring more reliable results compared to surveys.

Here is what a professional UX researcher, Zsuzsa Kovacs, has to say about it:”

Because survey in itself by design is a very leading way of doing research, because you not only define the questions, you also define the answers.

And so, this actually blocks it from really being able to realize what else is also part of this area that you try to understand.

Zsuzsa Kovacs

Freelance Lead UX Researcher

Adjust your incentives

Another key tip is to adjust your incentives based on the economic conditions and cultural norms of each region.

Always keep in mind that compensations might not culturally resonate across the board so always make sure to tailor them to make them attractive for your target participants.

💡 Pro Tip

Clearly communicating your findings is crucial.


To do this effectively, create a comprehensive UX research report that outlines the research methods used and why.

Last but not least, ensure that your international user research complies with local regulations especially when it comes to privacy and getting consent from your participants. This will help you steer clear of any legal issues and any reputational damage.

How to recruit for international user research

Here is how to recruit for your international user research study:

Recruitment agency

One tried and tested way for successful recruitment in international markets is using recruitment agencies. These agencies can offer local knowledge and help you access a local pool of study participants.

On top of that, they can also handle the logistics of your studies – streamlining the whole process for you and your team.

Global User Panel

While recruitment agencies can be pricey, User Panel is usually a perfect option for recruiting niche audiences from all around the world. It’s cheaper and much faster than recruiting through social media, for instance.

With UXtweak’s User Panel, you get access to panelists from more than 130 countries! Recruit your target audience in just a couple of clicks, for the best price ⬇️

Learn more about User Panel and recruitment options

Social media

Social media can be another powerful tool when it comes to participant recruitment for international user research. Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Instagram, can help you target specific demographics for your international user research study!

💡 Pro Tip

Always use screening questionnaires to ensure that participants fit your study’s criteria. This will help to prevent fraudulent participants from skewing your data.

Tools to use for international user research

Here are our recommendations when it comes to tools for international user research:

1. UXtweak

UXtweak is an all-in-one UX research platform that combines a wide suite of tools including Website Testing, Session Recording, Card Sorting, Tree Testing, and Mobile Testing. It enables you to recruit, schedule, conduct, and analyze user interviews or any other moderated studies directly within the platform.


  • Ease of use
  • Advanced analytics
  • Help with recruiting
  • Free plan
  • Great integration capabilities


  • Only supports 10 languages

Pricing: Plans start at 50€ per month, with a free plan available to explore the platform.

2. UserZoom

UzerZoom is another robust user research platform that features an array of testing tools.

Its remote, unmoderated testing capabilities allow researchers to reach a more diverse pool of participants while the platform also boasts in-depth reporting with robust reporting features that can help user researchers with the interpretation of the insights.


  • Good integration capabilities


  • Steep Learning Curve
  • Complex setup
  • Relatively high cost

Pricing: A free plan is available, with paid plans starting at 40€ per year.

3. Lookback

Lookback is yet another great tool that can fully support your international user research studies.

Apart from its robust recording session tool, Lookback also boasts excellent collaboration tools including live sharing for UX designers to take advantage of, even during a live session.


  • Good Integration options
  • Enhanced collaboration


  • Cost
  • This tool is addressed to more experienced professionals.

Pricing: Plans start at 49€ per month.

4. UserTesting

User testing is a great tool when it comes to conducting your international user studies without a hitch! This is a highly versatile tool that boasts a range of options such as screen recording tools, real-time feedback options as well as strong capabilities for both unmoderated and moderated testing.


  • Good-sized participant panel
  • Highly versatile


  • Steep learning curve
  • Cost

Pricing: User testing has an array of plans to choose from depending on your needs. Prices are not advertised on the website.

The gist of it

International user research is a powerful tool for businesses that are looking to expand into global markets.

It helps businesses fine-tune their product offering to meet and exceed the distinct needs and expectations of users in different markets and succeed at a global scale.

Want to start with international user research? Sign up to UXtweak, recruit the right participants and run your first study! 

Conduct UX Research with UXtweak!

The only UX research tool you need to visualize your customers’ frustration and better understand their issues

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People also ask (FAQ)

1. What is an example of international research?

An example of an international user research study is conducting the same testing in various countries to understand how users in different regions interact with a digital product or service.

2. What is an international research study?

An international research study is all about gathering data and insights from different regions to understand how cultural factors can affect product usage and interaction.

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